CTL Student Projects
- 03/15/22 | "Empowered" TV series by Blue Planet Foundation on KHON2 finale episode 12, featuring CTL "Clean Future" team and their project to promote sustainability in high school clubs
- 03/08/22 | "The Conversation" by Catherine Cruz & KHON 2 story - featuring the CTL "Chinatown Revitalization" team and their Chinatown mural project collaboration with artist Solomon Enos
- 02/25/22 | "Spotlight Hawaii" by Star Advertiser - featuring the CTL "Holomua" team and the impact of their testimony to the Honolulu Police Commission about youth voice on police-community relations
- 12/02/21 | Hawaii News Now - featuring the CTL "Tiger Closet" team and their project to help students in need
- 04/26/21 | Hawaii News Now - featuring the CTL "Gifts of Legacy" team and their oral history project to combat kupuna loneliness
- 04/23/21 | Pacific Business News "How Hawaii students are helping small businesses get through Covid", featuring 3 CTL teams
- 02/01/21 | Hawaii News Now - featuring the CTL "Chungus for Change" team and their project to help small businesses through Covid, starting with Teruya's Andagi
CTL General
- 03/04/22 | HECO's "Hawaii of Tomorrow" project | Hawaii Business Magazine
- 02/08/22 | 20 for the Next 20: Katie Chang | Hawaii Business Magazine
- 02/02/22 | "The Time is Now to Engage, Equip Young Leaders | MidWeek
- 11/03/21 | Central Pacific Bank Foundation donates $50k to support CTL's expansion to Maui High School | Hawaii News Now Sunrise | Pacific Business News | Star Advertiser | UH Foundation
- 06/17/20 | CTL's Unfold Mentorship Program | Hawaii News Now
- 11/13/19 | "Wanted: Nontraditional Leaders" | Hawaii Business Magazine
- 06/21/19 | "Empowering Young Leaders in Hawaii" | Pacific Business News